Sandworm: Arizona Adventure

Sandworm: Arizona Adventure

Exploring Arizona and White Sands National Park with my dog and The Sandworm.

If you’ve ever wanted to hit the open road with your four-legged companion, a truck, and thirst for adventure, then buckle up – this trip to Arizona was an unforgettable ride. My best pal, Duke, and I set off on a journey that took us from the icy roads of Oklahoma to the sunny deserts of Arizona. Of course, this trip was travelled in my GMC Canyon, The Sandworm, making every mile of the journey an adventure in itself.

The Adventure Begins: Setting Off to Arizona

It was a cold, frigid morning when Duke and I hit the road. The roads were covered in snow, the trees were coated in ice, and we were ready for an adventure. The promise of new horizons and rugged landscapes ahead had me itching to hit the road. The Sandworm, built for tough terrains and long road trips, was fully loaded with all the gear we needed, but all we really needed was our companionship and snacks to be road-ready.

Duke, as always, was ready to hop in the truck for an adventure he never saw coming. I couldn’t have asked for a better co-pilot to join me on this 15-hour long journey. Arizona was our destination, but the road ahead was an adventure waiting for us.  It felt like something out of a book - a man and his dog headed out toward something wild, unknown, and we couldn’t wait to get started.

Reuniting with Family in Arizona

The main goal of this trip was to visit my brother, who had been in Arizona for a few years now, and whom I hadn’t seen in well over a year. After the long, 15-hour road trip, it was nice to take a breath and reconnect with my sibling. I had never been to Arizona, and being able to share that experience with my brother was all I could’ve asked for. We caught up, cracked some jokes, and, of course, talked about cars. (Did I mention Duke got to see Max, my brother’s dog?)

Off-roading with Downtime Lost in the Arizona Desert

One of the highlights of this trip was meeting up with Curtis from the Downtime Lost YouTube channel. On this Arizona side quest, we tackled some of the gnarliest, most narrow trails we found….on accident. We started off this meetup with checking out the rigs, airing down the tires, and shooting the shit. Then it was time to hit the trails. Downtime Lost knows the area well, so he led the way. He guided us down some of the curviest, rockiest, winding trails he could find. We would occasionally stop just to chat and take in the views of the desert with the mountains in the background.

Duke, of course, was always by my side. He loves adventure as much as I do. Out in the wild, Duke had the freedom of running loose and checking out the scenery, but what Duke didn’t realize…. We weren’t in Oklahoma anymore. Duke ended up finding a bushel of jumping cactus. Yep, heard that right - jumping cactus. These prickly pests covered Duke’s snout and paws, and I had to pin him down just to pull them all out. Luckily, they weren’t deep enough to cause any real injuries. After this little hiccup, we kept moving, and Duke soon forgot the pain and began to enjoy himself again.

A Detour to White Sands National Park, New Mexico

After our adventure on the desert trails, it was time to say goodbye to Arizona - and hardest of all, my brother. Although we were leaving Arizona, the adventure wasn’t over. We still had the trip home, back to Oklahoma.

As Duke and I were traveling through New Mexico I noticed something on the map: White Sands National Park. I had the next day off work, and we had all the time in the world, so we took a detour. We pulled off our route and headed straight to the gates of the National Park.

When we first pulled up, it didn’t look like much, but as you drove further into the park, your eyes widen, and you experience something amazing. Just imagine the sand dunes of a desert, but instead they look like sweeping hills of snow. Snow that you can sled, ski, and enjoy in the middle of summer!

We spent the afternoon exploring, taking in the views, and just finding some peace for a while. This was honestly the best way to end the journey. It offered a moment of reflection on how lucky we were to get to experience this trip.

Conclusion: Reflections on the Trip.

This trip ended up being so much more than just a road trip – it was a chance to reconnect with my brother, bond with my best pal (Duke), and push the limits of the truck I spent so much time working on. Arizona’s desert and New Mexico’s sand dunes were just a backdrop to the memories of this trip I will hold on to for a long time. Whether you’re an off-road enthusiast, dog lover, or simply someone who loves to travel, there’s something about hitting the road with your dog and truck that makes every turn feel like an adventure.

This was just the beginning for a man and his dog.

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1 comment

What a cool adventure. Thank you for sharing.

Chris Johnson

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