If you do a lot of camping, traveling, or just need to protect your gear, then a heavy-duty cargo box is a must. I personally do a lot of camping and take frequent road trips, so purchasing one of these heavy-duty boxes was essential. I ended up going with the Melirpon MGS Cargo Box because of the value it offers for the price.
The Melirpon is made from high-quality plastic that does not bend or deform under weight. To test this, I even drove my truck onto it—and it held up! It deformed slightly but still functions perfectly and remains waterproof as it should. The box has an IP67 waterproof rating, which I have put to the test during my travels.
The box also comes with struts, making it easy to open when mounted on a roof rack or bed rack. Plus, the storage space it offers is impressive.
I primarily use my box for camping gear and have had no issues with space. I can store:
✅ Two blankets
✅ A sleeping mat
✅ Pots and pans
✅ Dog food, bowls, and treats
✅ Coffee & a coffee pot
✅ Flashlights
...and plenty of other items.
Using this storage box has freed up much-needed space in my truck bed, making it easier to access the items I need without overcrowding.
Beyond dry storage, this box can also double as a cooler. It features a drain plug, allowing you to remove any excess water or liquid. Thanks to its thick plastic construction, it’s well-insulated and can keep items cool for a good amount of time.
Personally, I prefer using it for camping storage, but its versatility makes it a great option for various needs.
Real-World Testing
I’ve had this cargo box for a few months now, and it has been impressive. Honestly, it’s one of my favorite pieces of gear for traveling.
I’ve taken it on long road trips across various terrains and through different weather conditions, and the box has held up against all the elements.
✅ Snow – No issues with moisture getting inside.
✅ Rain – Kept all my items, including coffee and blankets, completely dry.
✅ Dust – Held strong against Arizona’s dusty trails.
✅ Wind – No signs of wear or damage from strong winds.
While the Melirpon MGS Cargo Box has been fantastic, there are a few minor drawbacks to consider.
1. Weight – If you plan to mount this on a roof or bed rack, be prepared for some heavy lifting. The box is not light, and I’ve personally struggled to get it onto my roof rack by myself. When full, it becomes even more difficult to manage.
2. Storage Placement – You have two choices:
- Lift a fully packed (and heavy) box onto your rack, which can be a struggle.
- Lift the empty box onto your rack and then climb up and down to load it, which is inconvenient in its own way.
Neither option is ideal unless you have enough strength to comfortably lift a fully loaded box.
Final Thoughts
Despite the minor trade-offs, the Melirpon MGS Cargo Box has been an amazing addition to my travel setup. It’s durable, spacious, waterproof, and extremely versatile. If you need a rugged storage solution for camping, overlanding, or everyday adventures, this box is definitely worth considering!